1. Liverpool Days
Mists and fogs
smother tired faces;
generations waxed into dark futures,
squeezed in cupboards of gloom.
Football teams, Fish and Chips,
Ferries, ships and sailors,
narrow tree-lined streets,
open green parks,
dipped in winter breezes,
waves gurgling flashes of sun
that spin through windows.
Ice cubes:
fluffed clouds swim in ocean glasses.
Shadows hung in closets of the cold.
voices of ordinary people:
frozen images
tumbing in the still, frozen darkness.
Four winged locusts buzz.
Electric rhythms
sting with youthful voices.
A crowbar
strums up
steel curtains of morning,
explodes songs of colour:
tinged oceans
splash in rainbows of music,
folding out twisting roads of sky.
Next: 2. Come Together

Disclaimer: We are not in any form whatsover associated with, or represent The Beatles, Apple Corps, Paul McCartney, The Estate of John Lennon, Yoko Ono Lennon, George Harrison and Richard Starkey. We act in no way for The Beatles other than to publish information by fans, intended for other fans.