16. Imagine
White clouds
echo in round glasses
the innocence of Youth again.
Stepping into stony lands,
hopping over
sharp, broken mirrors:
inverted childhood screams
melt together.
Stepping between shadows
in dark, steaming faith
from anger and pain
to dreams and beauty.
John and Yoko
row together in a lake.
Walk barefoot over sands and waves,
scribbling hearts on the beach.
jagged glass flowers,
a crystal dream
twists over itself
under the pure, white flapping sun.
Next: 17. Starting Over

Disclaimer: We are not in any form whatsover associated with, or represent The Beatles, Apple Corps, Paul McCartney, The Estate of John Lennon, Yoko Ono Lennon, George Harrison and Richard Starkey. We act in no way for The Beatles other than to publish information by fans, intended for other fans.