5. A Hard Days Night
Marylebone Station,
running from limousines,
smothered with swarming girls
buzzing on footpaths.
shouting and cheering,
waving hands, some fainting.
Razor wit dialogue.
Conversations on a rattling train
On tracks folding out to open fields.
Flashes of freedom
explode into bubbles
tickling eyes with the Fab Four.
Hotel doors blocked.
Transistor radios blare.
Sobbing fans,
teenage girls, businessmen, old ladies,
climb over barricades,
pressing Beatles photographs to the sky.
Stadiums shake,
fans spring off seats,
innocence shouting out,
weeping, passionate faces,
lights flashing,
cameras clicking,
snapping a new voice:
Next: 6. HELP

Disclaimer: We are not in any form whatsover associated with, or represent The Beatles, Apple Corps, Paul McCartney, The Estate of John Lennon, Yoko Ono Lennon, George Harrison and Richard Starkey. We act in no way for The Beatles other than to publish information by fans, intended for other fans.